Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Busy Weekends..
another week of hoildays has flew past.. it was a super busy week.. i shall start with wed.. got pulled out of bed at 8am cus my aunt and grandfather want me to go back to his hse to offer my respect to my late grandma.. I was super reluctant to go but no choice.. went bugis with my aunt after that.. shop ard bugis st and bought a bag.. it cost $31 but the aunty gave me a $6 discount =) went to superman shop after which.. wanted to buy a superwoman tee but ended up buying a tweety bird tank top which cost $55 which came along with a free tweety slipper.. but i didn't pay for it my aunt did hehe =P was quite late when we reach home so nth much at night.. well, i spent my whole entire thurs in aunty patricia shop.. and i learn lots of things.. band after which. friday was super busy, woke up, did tution hw.. had tution after which. went to collect my clothes for my competition on sat den collect my contacts, bought my new moon bk and off i go for rehearsals.. rehearsals was damn tiring. ended ard 10+++ so reach home at 12am.. was too tired to go for band the next day so well, i gave it a skip.. went latin den off i go to dbs audtoriam.. did hair do and make up and waited till the com start at night.. anyway, i really want to thank my ah ma, yiyi, pris jiejie,agnes gorgor, rachel q and amelia for their support!! Also, aunty pat and aunty alicia for helping so much!! thks..anyway, everything went quite well.. went swensens with cousin and ah ma after which cus i hav not eaten since i woke up.. had a nice dinner =) sun was busy busy.. went metta for a charity performance in the late noon den went Forest Cafe at Orchidville for a welcome dinner for the guest from overseas.. super fun but i was extremely tired cus slept at 2+am the night before.. the whole thing ends at 10.40pm, reach home ard 11.45 and by the time i wash up and stuff, its already 12plus.. damn tired so the moment i lie on the bed, i went straight into my dreamland.. woke up at 11am today but still very tired and wasn't in the mood to study so ended up reading and using com the whole day =) well, third week of hoildays was spent mostly at home.. stayed home the whole day on mon to complete hw, had tuition & singing on tues, on wed, did bio project with rachel q & angelina.. after which, watched kungfu panda with rachel q.. funny show but i think its only worth watching during weekdays.. thurs mummy dun have to work so went nbyn to see our edited pics for the family album and shopping after which.. fri, tuition at home :) weekends was quite fun though.. sat, had band in the morning, dance den went thomson plaza to host for a kids fashion show.. went for practice night after which.. went thomson plaza on sun as well but instead of hosting, we did a fashion show.. went mediacorp to watch you are the one as my little bro was performing.. finally, the last week of hoilday came.. was not feeling very well on mon so did not go to sch for 2hrs of acc.. woke up at 12pm and studied.. tues, went to sch for acc in the morning lunch with jocelyn & rachel q.. after which, went to watch the happening.. nice nice!! went for eng on wed.. fun fun!! was super tired when i reach home so fell asleep till 1plus.. woke up,had lunch and went for dance.. super tiring man.. got hit by by laoshi on the hand dunno how many times cus i kept putting down my hands... had 2 hrs of acc on thurs again and i'm getting the hang of chap 23.. went for rehearsal in the noon.. fri was quite slackish.. went for rehearsal yet again at sunplaza.. super tiring.. went for walkton on sat den hosting with bro at sunplaza.. practice night after which.. sun, which is our last day of hoildays was spent at sunplaza for hosting and to yiyi new hse after which.. finally, sch reopen.. hope everthing will go smoothly for this last term before prelims and exams starts. anyway, thks for patiently reading my long winded 'essay' . here are some pics.. enjoy (:
free slippers
tweety shirt
pics during the com
after the com
event at metta
dinner at forest cafe
sat- hosting at thomson plaza
sun- fashion show at thomson plaza
sat & sun(14-15 june) - hosting at sunplaza shopping mall

* feel my story!
8:51 AM
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Hoildayshmm.. well, first week of hoildays has somehow flew past already.. well, nth much on the first week accept for my very first major paper, O level chinese paper on Mon 26th may 2008. the paper was manageable and if everything go smoothly, i belive i would be able to get an A but well.. anyway, the rest of my 1st week was mearly having lesson. It was not as bad. Then came the weekends.. had band in the morning but no dance so went back and started reading "twilight" a nice book which got me really hooked on.. went to watch CHANGE 08 concert, a continuous of last year GET HIGH 07 concert at the botanic garden.. met lots of get high peeps and the feeling was really hearty.. the familar hugs.. aww.. the concert was not bad but i think last year was more high.. yea however, the first item was extremly high as it was a performance by li ting, zhiyang,sijia,brian,marc and tania lasr yr GET HIGH member.. its was one of the item last year.. anyway, khim,jiahui,haitong,terrence,rongxin, KC and gf, maquris, my bro and me were audiences that day.. also, not forgetting grace and guanchiang helping in backstage.. they are really nice ppl to be with.. anyway, went for rehearsals on sun den went for a game of badminton with my cousins.. super fun... dinner after which =) anyway, studied on a nice monday afternoon after which met michelle belle for dinner at pizza hut.. the service there was really bad.. hmm.. saw ms zhang while i was shopping.. stopped and chatted with her for a while.. finally, today woke up ard 11am did bio, read my book and had a 2hrs long of maths tuition. though it was 2hrs, but time seems to pass super fast... i got a good maths tutor.. she's patient and nice!!! yea thats it for now :D* feel my story!
8:32 AM