Sunday, August 31, 2008
Firstly, Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers out there.. =) anyway, had teacher' day celebration on fri.. FUN FUN FUN!! after 4 years in SAC, i finally performed in school :) hehehe.. yeap my bro and me put up a dance.. my poor brother feels like an alien in a all girls sch.. as I was coughing and feeling super paisei, I wasn't up to my best standard but well, still not so bad lar.. anyway, this year concert was quite interesting.. the chinese teacher sang a nice song so do the male teachers.. went back to my pri sch after the celebration for a short while.. happen to meet some of my former classmates.. sat was jus dancing and more dancing cus dance exam will be held next sunday.. spend the whole sunday morning and afternoon studying den went for a performance at night but as daddy and mummy are overseas, we got to take a train there.. lucky it was near and it does not take up a lot of time.. i will manage my study time as well as my outside activities well.. i will not let it affect my studies.. yeap.. got to be back with my books again.. so thats it for now.. :0) (pls ingore the date.. it's suppose to be 1st sept 2008)
not very effective cough medicine =(

before and after practice night
* feel my story!
10:55 PM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sick!!!coughing is horrible man.. had been coughing for a week already but instead of getting better, its getting really bad.. so i got no choice but to see a doctor today.. the doctor said my throat infection is quite bad and there's lots of phlegm inside.. i thought mine was jus dry cough due to the weather.. yea actually my mum spread it to me.. she has been coughing for a month then my dad's turn and now my turn.. i really got to recover soon cus exams are next week.. had chinese prelims yesterday and i was coughing non-stop.. i'm really sorry to disturb the ppl in the class.. sorry peeps.. i really couldn't help it!!! yeap.. anyway, got back all my results.. well, all my subjects improved by at least 10 marks accept for geo which was really badly done.. anyway, i'm glad that me and her are once again friends.. i appreciate the way she has change and treat me.. seriously, i never hate her.. jus dislike the way she talk to me but now that she has change, i shall jus forget the past and get along well with her.. afterall, we have been in the same classs for 2 yrs and i belive we should put all unhappy things we had away and live on happily!!! yea anyway, we will be having our ''last'' english lesson (i suppose) tomorrow.. i'm really gonna miss ms yeo's lesson.. :( she has been teaching us for 2 yrs and i never get bored during her class.. she's a teacher that i would never forget.. thks ms yeo for all u have done =D anyway, i'm gonna end here as i am getting really drowsy due to medication!! take care =)
* feel my story!
6:40 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Prelims over!YES.. prelims are finally over.. but very soon, the real thing gonna start as well. but before i resume studying, hehe.. i gave myself a short 3 days break :p on fri, acc paper, which was the last paper ends at 9am.. was jus planning to go home and sleep cus was really tired after studying till 1plus the previous night but as i was about to leave, michelle ask me out for ban mian.. since i was free i decided to go with her.. we had a BAD bus ride.. the bus-driver was so annoying.. he claim that we press the bell late when we press it way before it reaches our stop.. well so after we reliase that he didn't stop at our stop,we press the bell again so that he could stop at the next stop where we can still walk to my hse from there but once again, he didn't stop and claims that we press the bell late... and worst of all, he didn't want to stop... so we got no choice but to take the bus to N2 which is another 2 more stops away so that we could take another bus from there back... he's such a irresponsible driver.. so what if there's very little ppl in the bus.. still he should stop when he hear the bell goes.. yea anyway, he wasted our money & time. it was ard 10.30am when we reach TM.. we bought bubble tea and went to the food court for our banmian.. sat there for ard 2hours eating and chatting.. went home and fall asleep immediately.. it was dinner time by the time i woke up.. dinner was all spicy food so i gave it a skip.. yeaterday had band in the morning woke up late so gave breakfast a skip.. dance class after which.. was feeling hungry half way thru dance but by the time dance ends i'm no longer feeling hungry.. so went for my free singing class which ends ard 4.30pm.. only den, my bro and i went for our lunch cum dinner..thks to the banmian.. it last me from fri 10.30am to sat 4.30pm. went back to studio for practice night.. danced alot cus dance exams is in 2 weeks time.. trained home with bros, chenyin,naomi & karen as usual.. =) sun was spent shopping with my aunt and dinner with family at Nikon Maso (日本春) jus beside tampines swimming complex.. although i am not a great fan of jap food but i think the food there are fantastic.. esp the ice-cream :) yup.. thats it.. pics to share!
* feel my story!
9:35 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Results!today was the release of GCE O level Chinese results!! the whole ambidence was super tense and it was extremly dramatic.. you see people crying, screaming, happy smiles and etc.. well, i got a DIST for orals however, overall was just a B3!! well, since we are given another chance to retake, i'm gonna retake! anyway =) yup thats it!!* feel my story!
5:00 AM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Had a great national day celebration for the past 2 days :) on fri, we had national day cum sports carinval.. it was great.. i was the flag barrier and unfortunetly, the portable flagpole drop while i was trying to secure the flag... it was quite embrassing cus the whole sch was at attention and i'm the only one moving.. anyway, thats about the national day obsevervance! followed on was sports carnival.. it was great man =D ran in the 8x50 relay and we came in 2nd =) went to watch 'money not enough 2' with rachel q after the whole thing ends.. nice and worth watching movie :) the movie was quite long though.. went home shower and off i went with dad and bro to my dad's friend condo for a bbq.. quite nice.. it was super windy.. wanted to blog on 080808 but as we only reach home ard 12plus, i didn't had a chance too.. yesterday, woke up ard 10plus, did a little studying den went to my cousin hse to celebrate her b'dae!! fun fun fun.. as we were the earliest for once, we played wii.. extremly fun but my hands are aching now.. haha.. wii is a good form of exercising man :p as more people came, we stopped wii and so happen, the tv was showing 'happy feet' we all then sat in front of the tv and started watching.. even the adults are enjoyed it.. actually they are amazed with the animations which look super real.. next was ndp parade.. after which some of them went down to play basketball and came up as if the jus had a shower.. anyway had the cake cut and we started playing 'taboo'. it was super duber fun =) ard 10 of us played and we actually played till 12 plus in the morning.. stayed over at my cousin's place so we chat till 3plus before we go to sleep.. woke at 12 today and here i am blogging.. gtg go back to my books soon :o) pictures to end off.
sec 4/4
some of 8x50 runners
amelia and me

michelle belle and me

cassandra and me
jiawen and me
melissa and me
michelle chew and me
phyllis and me
valerie and me
ranie,rachel q, amelia
my dear junior christine

ms kang and me :)
* feel my story!
2:33 PM
Monday, August 04, 2008
Today is the start of the 2 long weeks of prelims... had social studies paper today and i think its quite alright jus that i didn't really have enough time.. i dun have to go sch tmr and thurs cus i got no paper =) wed would be eng paper 1&2 and friday.. SPORTS CARNIVAL cum NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATION.. i will be the flag barrier on that day :) weekends was well usual, had band in the morning followed by latin dance den went marina square subway with gracie, wei jian & my bros for late lunch.. went back to studio after which.. studied while waiting for chloe,naomi, herhuey to finish lesson den dinner with only naomi cus chloe & herhuey did not stay for practice night.. danced a lot during practice night.. sun morning was spent revising.. went swimming with my cousin in a new community club in sengkang.. the pool was fantastic.. there was 2 pools, one indoor and one outdoor.. there are slides & playground jus like wild wild wet but the slides are much better there.. more scary at least and the entrance fee is just a dollar for children.. went to my aunty hse for dinner.. studied while my cousins and brothers played wii.. anyway, thats my weekend =) pics to share
after class

during practice night

my dear vina & her new hairstyle
ian trying to take pic of himself
the end result
* feel my story!
2:46 AM