Monday, November 17, 2008
Malaysia Dance Comp trip!yeap.. i'm back from malaysia dance comp trip and it was AWESOME!! really.. i had a wonderful time =D
Annie Dancesport departed early in the morning for Muar on 15th Nov...for the 1st Dancesport Championship held on the next day. Annie laoshi said that this is the first time so many of us went as a team to overseas for com. The students who went were:
- Eugene & Me
- Songwei & Jen
- Joey & Naomi
- Zhibin & Chen Yin
- Zhijie & Min Shan
- Dongxun & Her Huey
- Benjamin & Ying Xia
- Jason & Rachel
- errr...ballroom auntie/uncle?
Indeed all of us became much closer after the trip, and we laughed so much our stomachs were bloated. And of cos...little gossips here and there made it better. And not forgetting the LAMEness. *winks* Oh, and how can I forget cooking mama? Jen and Me were 'cooking' all day long, shredding carrots and potatoes, dicing garlic, draining water (hates!), cracking eggs, flipping pans. Even the night before the comp, I stayed up and 'cooked', and kept Jen & yingxia (who are respectively sleeping on my right & left) awake. I kept updating them with my scores, and describing aloud the process mans...and this is what Jen said "urgh. I bet her wrist was painful. Crazy girl!" hahah sleeping in the same room as them was fun!! bus ride with Jen was great too.. we were talking throughout on our way there.. then on our way back, we chatted for the first hour and finally slept with our hair full of gel.. yucks!! cause we left straight after the com, all the girls got to remove make-up in the bus and go to bear with the hair do all the way back. Anyway, jus a little fill ups about what we did.. on the first day, we had our first stop at some hawker centre for lunch, procced to a shopping mall for 3 hours of shopping but chenyin,jen,yingxia,eugene,joey,ben,songwei and me simply went to a teahouse,ordered bubble tea and chatted for an hour or so before we go for dinner.. after which off we go to the hotel.. it was ard 7pm by the time we arrive. settled in and we all met in the lobby at 7.45pm to practice dance.. it was terribly hot cause there was no aircon.. we practiced for ard 20mins i guessed then laoshi came down and asked us to go to her room to practice as her room is really huge since she's the ajudicator aka judge. practice till ard 10 and we went down to secret recipie for supper as we were all pretty hungry.. thats for day 1. day 2 was rather simple.. woke up ard 8, had breakfast an we all gathered at laoshi room again did hair and make-up.. and off we procced to the place.. all the quater and semi finals held in the noon till ard 4 and we went back to the hotel to rest.. we had serect recipie again.. went to laoshi room rest and off we go to the comp place again.. it was finally the finals!!! every single annie dancesport people did a wonderful job!! hmm.. we did quite ok by getting 2nd for rumba and 3rd for chacha & jive! Well, I guess, most of us worked really hard for Annie laoshi. Her enthusiasm and commitment really touches all of us.
hmm.. We were all glad with the results that day...was good for everyone. We cheered for one another really loudly, and rocked the whole ballroom. ^_^ I think we are the only one cheering so loudly for one another.. Annie dance sport is really united!!
yea.. so by the time we reach studio was ard 3.45am and by the time i wash my hair and stuff, it was already 5plus in the morning.. by then, i was so tired and fell immediatly into sleep and woke up only ard 1.30pm.
despite being really tired, i had an extremly great time and I'm sure everyone does!!
Anyway, pictures to share =D
we manage to find a cozy spot in the tea house
chenyin, me, naomi & jen
yingxia,me,eugene&ben ( few mins before competing)
everyone with their medals =D

* feel my story! 8:36 AM
Another week flew past!hmm.. sometimes i really wonder if time could slow down just a little cause things are really going too fast. another week of holidays has jus flew past.. well it was quite a fruitful week. on sat, had band and dancing as usual, then went for cousin house- warming till late at night so stayed over.. went sentosa the next day. fun fun.. back to cousin hse for dinner =D had counicllor training on mon.. was a great one =D hd several talks by vp and a few teachers in school in the morning, headed to changi chalet after lunch ^.^ settled down and we had games organised by the sec 2s.. it was fun though!! bbq after which!! hehe.. was so busy trying to sat fire and ended up not eating.. well wasn't hungry anyway.. as i had something on the next day so didn't stay over.. ad came over to pick me (: nothing much on tues accept for a class.. wed was spent at home the whole day till ard 9pm eugene and I when for dance practice from around 9.30pm-10.30pm.. thurs met nedra ard 1 plus at tampines mrt station den danielle at tenah merah then we make our way to orchard to meet the other 6 councillors & mr roland then off we procced to york hotel to help up in prom. left there ard 5plus.. on our way back, mr roland bought each of us a subway cookie =D trained home with nedra and mr roland.. fun trip back =) all the crappy talks.. fri by the time i woke up was noon already.. went for singing den came back to pack my stuff for malaysia dance comp trip.. rest, then off we go to studio to practice dancing again.. all couples going for the comp went but laoshi wasn't there so the whole studio was ours hahahhaha.. practice for 2 hours then all of us procced home to rest :) thats about it!! 

* feel my story!
7:51 AM
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Upcoming Schedule!!2 weeks plus of nua-ing at home and after which i will be really busy.. here's a brief schedule for the next few weeks!!!8th nov- dance practice, cousin house warming & stay-over at cousin's house9th nov- sentosa with cousins10th-11th nov- Student councillor chalet/camp12th nov- dance practice13th nov- helping out in deco for prom14th nov- preparations for malaysia com & dance practice15-16th nov- Malaysia dance como*17th nov- Ice-skating with yj19-25th nov- trip to thailand, bangkok26th- Stacey's b'dae party30th nov- dance comp (according to laoshi, it will be the last comp this year)2nd dec- b'dae elebration for amelia4th dec- band prac,chloe's hse5th- dance practice6-8th dec- trip to genting9th dec- b'dae lunch wit huijia, dance prac11th dec- dance prac12th dec- dance prac13th dec- performance 14th dec- lunch at the 60th storey of UOB building with jiaqi laoshi. wedding dinner15th-dentist16th dec- dance prac, performance18th dec- help up in perparations for sec 1 registration, results, dance prac19th dec- help up in sec 1 registration, movie and lunch with chloe,dance prac, performance20th dec- performance22th dec- cut hair, buy books23th dec- dance prac24th dec- performance25th dec- performance28th dec- performance
31st dec- Annie dancesport D&D and performancehmm.. thats it for now i guess :p*edited - 22th dec 2008 ** feel my story!
1:10 AM
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
HOLIDAYS!!Yeap.. the holidays are finally here but still, there will be a busy schedule ahead for me to be accomplish =)well, I shall start with the 2 weeks of post-exam activities first! First week of the post exam activites were fantastic :) we went to Michael Angelos Restraunt for this cooking enrichment and it was extrmely fun. First day was rather boring though as we mearly had some introdution about the restraunt and learning how to cut vegetables.. ohh.. they showed us their wine collection as there was really a lot a lot!! Day 2 was pretty fun.. in the morning, we learnt how to make a pizza together with our gp members (Amelia,rachel q, anegelina,betris and me) which we worked together for the past 4 days. As amelia & angelina didnt come hence itis left we 3 of us to split the job for that day.. i rolled the dough which was so extremely fun, rachel added the cheese.. she added a lot a lot as we are all cheese lovers and lastly betris added the rest of the ingredients =D our pizza turned out pretty well :) due to time constraint, we couldnt each make a pasta hence chef karl showed us 5 different flavours pasta and they were awesome!! Day 3 was fruitful to too.. we learnt how to cut a whole chicken and each gp got to cut one whole chicken.. after which was my fav part.. making of desserts =D we made chocolate brownie :D Last day was the best of the best..we have to accomplish a task, which is to prepare 3 dishes, Appetizer, Main course and Dessert. Cracked our brains for 3 days just to think of a perfect menu and mouth-watering dishes. We had to go cold storage in the morning to buy our groceries and get to work straight after that! All the running here and there, tasting of uncooked food, cutting off chicken fats, trying to bake a cheesecake making pasta etc etc really pays off. Haha. The chef commented our food, "not bad", and also " did u buy the pasta from our restraunt"?! ;D Lastly, we had two super chefs which made everything possible ;D 2nd week which was also the last week of sch was rather borng.. anyway, pics to share ;)
Day 2 with our pizza
day 3: melting chocolate for our brownie 
last day: group pic with our food
our final product :)
all so tired :D
so freaking spicy
holidays are great so far.. first weekends of my holiday was spent dancing as there was a latin dance comp on the 26th oct 2008.. well, despite being really tired as we got to be there from 10am to 11pm, i still had a great time with all my fellow dancemates =) well, at least all our efforts didnt pay off as we manage to clinch champion for chacha and 3rd for rumba & jive :) first week of holidays was rather relax.. on mon which was a public holiday as well as yeye's 78th b'dae, we had a celebration at my house and i cooked pasta.. lucky it taste alright hehe :p sat and sun was superb!! went for band and dance as usual.. after which, dad brought us to this industry park in pasir ris where people can fish prawn buy fishes and stuff however what attracted me is the FISH SPA there.. its so fun.. the fishes will bite on your dead skin. its kind of thicklish intially, but it was alright after a while ;D sunday was even better.. we went ice skating with cousins and louis's godsis!! hehehe.. i can skate :o) oh wells, i had a wonderful time =D stayed home the whole entire day on mon and tues and i studied chinese :) wed was chinese Os retake. hmm.. i think its easier this time round?! really hope to get an A1. well, had lunch with amelia at pizza hut and we watched sing to the dawn. the show's not bad =) btw, i'm spending so much on movies this few weeks.. watched MAMA MIA,HOUSE BUNNY,HSM3,The coffin and Sing to dawn. All was fabulous except The coffin.. hmm i think it's really horrible cause it's not even like a horror show!! anyway, thats it for now! pics to share again!!

* feel my story!
7:48 AM