Monday, April 27, 2009
BACK!!!I'm back blogging :D was pretty busy for the past few weeks also, wasn't feeling well for the past few days hence the delay of blogging :P anyway, many things happened since the last time i blog =D27th March
1. Green day in sch =D its was great =) everyone in class were cooperative and we all came in green! had a fun time in school too : )
2. 3 hours long of oral practice with ms yeo and belle =) as usual, it was productive and had nice time chatting with them :)
3. stay over at best's house =D watched ''unborn'' together, went back to her house, talk talk and talk till 3 plus before we went to bed! it's really awesome chatting with her as we have so much in common =) AMELIA LOY I love ya too :D looking forward to the next stayover :)

1st April1. April's Fool Day =D class attempted to play a trick on teacher but ended up getting trick by teacher.2. Watched ''Confession of a shopaholic'' with ame and quek =) nice movie!4th April
1. Tuition in the morning, dance in the noon and at night.
2. went 扫墓 after dance =) met releatives and cousins at 10pm at chua chu kang cemetery. pray, play, laugh and had lots of fun ;) supper after which =D reached home only at 3am =) but it was a great time spent
5th AprilPula Ubin trip with cousins =) went cycling but weather wasnt on our side :( it rained when we started cycling and stopped when we stop cycling. but still, i had a wonderful time cycling in the rain =D but i was freezing cold. watched ''mall cop'' with cousins after which :D and finally back home =)9-12th Aprillong holiday due to Good Friday hence, mum planned a trip for the whole family (38 of us) to malaysia kelong ( a house in the middle of the sea) =D stayed over at grandma house on thurs night since we are all suppose to meet at her house at 6am on fri. anyway, it was a short and simple trip yet we had a really great time together :D though the place was rather boring, but the company was awesome :o) My dear cousins, uncles and aunties :D
15th AprilWatched '' handsome suit'' with cousins =) had dinner together too! though i was really exhausted and wasn't feeling too good that day but still, i had fun ^.^17th April1. International Friendship Day! We were all encourage to dress up in different coustumes of different countries :) my class chose Japan so 4 brave souls ( ame,quek,mel,chels) came in the traditional kimno while the rest of the class came in the previous year class t-shirt with a big red circle stuck in the middle of the shirt :D and that represented the flag of japan hehehe ;) 2. School Oral. hmm.. wasn't that bad afterall =D
18th April1. tuition in the morning, dance in the afternoon and at night =D went for practice night after 2 months plus =) its been really long since i went for practice night. danced a lot and it feels good =D19th AprilWent 扫墓. this time round is to pray to my beloved mama (grandma). she's the one that I love a lot :D I miss her so much. came home, rest, then went to shop around Tampines 1 =D bought 2 hairbands at DIVA :) yay heheh =P happen to meet someone, chat with her for a while =D awww.. she's so nice :D anyway, went home completed all my homeworks had tuition and there goes my weekend!
21st AprilNAFA 2.4km run at bedok reservoir =D best came my house after sch, rest and we are ready to run =) best ran so fast.. she came in 2nd!!! i came in 4th :) dinner at MACs with best after run. shop around till dinner digested before we went for frolick :D yummy yummy :) went for singing class and sent best home =)

22nd April
1. NAFA 5 items during P.E. was quite alright :)
2. went to the airport with constance,jaslin,jocelyn,joy,annlyn and charissa to study =) it was rather productive :)
24th Aprilwatched ''17 again'' with amelia best =D went to the library after which =D sat there till it closes then we went for dinner =) saw my cousins with her little puppy :) she's so cute =) she's the only dog i dare to carry :psophia, a sweetheart :D
25th Aprildance dance and more dance =) performance after which :) had dinner and went to cousin's house to ''make the photos'' for the kelong trip. i was suppose to help but ended up playing with her puppy =pmakiyo and me =) she's like a toy.
yeap thats about it. sorry i know its really boring but at least my blog dont look so dead now hee :pso before o end off, take care everyone, the weather is really horrible =.=pic i took when i was in the car :D

* feel my story!
7:25 AM
Monday, April 20, 2009
hi best why you never update for so long? i'm in your house now and we're going for 2.4 soon! I just ate my squashed + melted kinder bueno but it still tastes awesome! heee :> wish us luck! we'll have frolick after the run yes? yayyyy ;D
* feel my story!
11:26 PM