Thursday, May 13, 2010
It's time for a change :DLook out for me at :
* feel my story!
10:18 AM
Monday, April 26, 2010
A new chapter of my life officially begins :)Yeap, so a new chapter of my life begins last week!!! I'm still adapting to the study environment in poly. It's really very different. I'm really glad to have a group of nice classmates :D Everyone in class is nice!!! First week of school was good but assignments are already coming in. Lots of quizzes and readings to be done! Poly life isn't as 'slackish' after all :) Thinking of what to wear everday drives my crazy too. Now I really appreciate school uniform heheheh :pBesides new friends, of course i wouldn't forget my old friends :D Had a nice dinner and movie with my lovely dears a week before school starts =) nice catch-up :) They never fail to make my day!! I'm so glad I have them :)
Anyway, my long 6 months holiday was well spent. Dec was spent working in school bookshop as well as dance practice for D&D almost everyday. Jan and half of feb was spent resting at home. ( I spent almost everyday at home) The other half of feb and whole of march was spent working at Times publishing company. 2 weeks before school starts was spent preparing for school as well as catching up with my friends ;)
I'll stop here for now but I'll be blogging more regularly now I hope ;)
Some pictures to share!!!
My nice classmates!

My dear girls
* feel my story!
6:52 AM
Monday, January 25, 2010
Its 2010 and I'm finally back.
Well, 2009 has been a really quick year. Os kept me really busy.
Anyway, had a great dec holidays. First time working and all the dance rehearsals made my day :D
DnD on the last day of 2009 is a beautiful closure for the year. :D
2010 hasn't been good. Just the start of the year and soooo many things have been happening.
Hopefully things will be much better as time passes.
I'll be back to post more!!!!
* feel my story!
6:37 AM
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Part 1 is finally over.Yes, I'm back after so long. Prelim 1 has finally come to an end :D I'm really unsure if I will be able to do well but I did my best. Well, regardless of how I did, I'm gonna work even harder for the coming prelim 2 as well as Os. Just 2 more months and everything will come to an end. I guess i will be able to hang in there. I'm so glad that there will be a few days of holidays coming up. I need my sleep badly. Time to recharge :D 休息是为了走根长的路 =D anyway, ever since the start of the new semester, my life had been rather routine. sch till 6pm almost everyday. tuition on wed, singing class on tues, slacking ard at he laoshi house on fri, dance and sometimes out on sat, stay home and study or sometimes out on sun and the cycle repeats for a month and more to come. Seems rather boring but I'm pretty fine with it =D finding enjoyment in what i do is the most important. On a lighter note, had a wonderful dinner with my family today :D its been ages since I had such nice dinner. I guess cause i didn't have to worry if work are undone etc etc. Happiness can be really simple. Sometimes you might want to slow down and take a look at the little but beautiful things around us, there are many times in life when we tend to neglect those little things around us and only regret when we lose them. You can cannot change the past,cannot predict the future, but you have the present and you should treat it like the last =)*3 more weeks to prelim 2**81 more days to O level** feel my story!
7:51 AM
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
SCHOOL!Ever since the first day of school, I could feel the pressure already, Well, its not a bad thing though. A motivation for me to STUDY STUDY!!! 'This journey is not going to be an easy one but I will try and do my very very best to complete it. Nothing that is worth is ever easy. Pretty stress up but I guess many people out there are as stress as I am too. So, I shan't complain. Anyway, ever since the first day of sch, had been studying everyday after school. Studied in the airport with jw,cass,phy,cons and jas last thurs and in sch last fri with jas. stayed in sch till almost 7pm. went laoshi house after which. I enjoy going there cause there are great people there. They'll always be there for me whenever I need someone. They'll are the few people whom i know that care for me. and not forgetting a place where I learn singing, something i like a lot since young. :D
Sat was great. dance,met germaine & joseph to study but ended up having 'high tea' :p had a simple but nice afternoon with them :D practice night after which. a good way to release stress.
Sunday was photoshoot day :D had a photoshoot in boat quay in the morning and dance photoshoot for a performance in the noon. went home, rest studied.
GIRLS only heheh :p

Monday came again. Glad that there was no school due to Youth Day =) woke up ard 11 plus. suppose to watch movie with ger,vic,tiffiany & yukai but as there wasn't anymore tickets, went over to laoshih house. studied,slack back home. studied again. Tuesday was a super long day. stayed back after school, studied,met Ms Yeo for oral practice. hmm.. i dont know but oral session this time was wired. it feels a little different but anyway, still benefited. left at 6pm, went to laoshi house straight. suppose to do my work but had a terrible headache so I've got no choice but to take a short nap. still do not feel good but manage to pull through my lesson. I've always enjoy my singing lesson so it isn't much a chore to pull through. came home, complete all my hw and slept immediately. my head felt like its gonna drop any time. felt much better today. stayed in sch for an hour to study while waiting for amelia to finish her oral session. went for a hair cut, bought some snacks and ame came to my house for a short while. was so tired,that i took a nap. back to my books again after which. and since i can't go on anymore, I took a break and blogged. gonna go back to my books now. Long long day again tomorrow!!!
I'm going to hang in there regardless how tough things might get. I will complete the race no matter what. I want to look back feeling satisfied and great and not regret. =)
* 12 more days to prelim*
* 110 days to Os *
* feel my story!
7:55 AM
Monday, June 29, 2009
Simple yet Awesome ♥
Last week of holidays was well-spent :D
20th june
Practice for dance competition for almost the whole day :D its was good =) 21st June was the competition :) well, after almost a year, we are back to Orchid Country Club, back to the same dancefloor again :D the feeling was great. saw some familiar faces, had an enjoyable and memorable day :o) was there for 12 over hours. though tired, but it is worth it. bro and i went up a level this time round. well, did quite alright. Great experience. this gonna be the first and last comp for the time being till Os end. I'll continue to go for lessons though since its just once a week ;) anyway, to Laoshi,Shimu,Christina,Yukai,Joseph,Olivia,Germaine,Tissany & Wan Jun - THANKS SO SO MUCH for the sweet encouragment and goodie luck :) I love you guys :D
my best dance mate- CHENYIN ♥ ♥

Finally came the final week of holidays =) like I say earlier, it was fantastic ^.^ mon was spent at home completing homeworks. tues noon was spent revising too. went laoshi house in the evening :D had lessons and after which ended up staying over again at laoshi house together with germaine,victoria,yukai & joseph. super wonderful night. learnt so so so much things from shimu and the rest :D went home in the morning, slept had tuition. thurs was spent at home doing hw and went laoshi house again in the evening, watch The Unborn for the 2nd time. Friday was fun fun fun :) went out to study with christina & joseph. rather productive ;) we had a wonderful time too =D went over laoshi house in the evening for dinner. sat was spent dancing in the noon, dad's good friend daughter baby shower :) she so adorable. Went over to laoshi house, and off we went for the best BBQ I had ever been too. good company =) hang out till the next morning, 12 of us - laoshi,shimu,zidane,germaine,victoria,wanjun,yukai,joseph,Jiale and myself went MAC for breakfast and headed to laoshi place to rest. dinner,arcade and back home :D I am so glad I am part of Belcanto. There's always joy and laughter when I'm with them and best of all, there's nothing I need to hide from them :D I had had a wonderful time with them this holiday and I belive we will have more soon ;) Thanks guys for making my holidays so fantastic. ♥ ♥ ♥
Anyway, school officially started today. It wasn't that bad after all :D Imagine teachers wearing mask standing at the gate to welcome you?! heee :p anyway, first thing was temp taking today followed by talk about H1N1 by form teachers followed by expectations and etc... lessons begun too. I really got to be much more focus this semester. I had already rest and played enough during the school holidays, now is really time to work hard!!!
118 more days to go!!!
* feel my story!
9:55 AM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Happy Happy Week ♥Tired but happy week :D 2 weeks of holidays have past and it has been great despite having to go back to school for extra lesson. Things have turned much better now :) 阳光总在风雨后 ^.^
6th june
Went for next gen seminar plus cum dialogue session with SM Goh Chok Tong. fun and interesting :)
8th june
DSA audition at TJC after sch. not so bad. screw a little. hopefully everthing turns out good =D
9th june
School, CCA, SINGING!!! woohoo my new hangout place: BELCANTO MUSIC STUDIO (laoshi house) ;)
11th june
movie with RACHEL!!! hanna montana movie :D nice nice
performance at turf club!! AWESOME :) felicia chin was there too hehe :p

12th june
filming in the morning
audition in the evening
He laoshi house at night. had a super duber fun time there :) laugh till no voice hahahah =D
13th june
tuition in the morning
dance all the way =D
14th june
had great fun, knew more people and get to know people better :)
a memorable concert. dinner after concert
watched DRAG ME TO HELL with germaine,victoria,shuyi & yukai after dinner. nice show :) I like it hehehe. but somehow we turned it into a comedy :p a great time spent with them =)

my very funny,cute & understanding teacher - he laoshi ;) hehe

presenting to you, BELCANTO FAMILY ♥

15th june
was so tired so was noon by the time i woke up. no motivation to study hence hook on to the com. dance practice in the evening. as usual good :)
16th june
super duber fun day :)
woke up at 2.30pm. pig i know but no choice only time to replenish sleep :p
reached laoshi house at 4pm chat and LAUGH ^.^ waited for everyone(germaine,wenjing,tissany,wanjun,shuyi,jiale,yukai,laoshi,shimu,zidane and me) , went down to ehub for dinner. went arcade,watched movie - land of the lost or whatsoever. boring movie. lucky company was great. stayover at laoshi house =D IT's SUPER FUN!!! didnt sleep till 9am. woke up at 11plus am. i really really had a good time. But time past toooooo fast ): 美好时刻总是过得特别快. we left in the evening. came home, prepared and went PP for performance. BAD one but anyways..
18th june
stayed home almost the whole day. completed whatever hw that needs to be done. went for lesson and went to He laoshi house again. 3 consecutive days at his house. but it is always fun there. i'm always happy when i'm there ;)
well, its friday again. i don't want holiday to end soon. hopefully moe will extend the holiday :p heheheh
*pics all in facebook* =D
* feel my story! 10:42 AM
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Tired -.-Last week was a torture seriously. something not very pleasant happen and it affected me. Problem solved. However, certain things are still not. But well, I did what I could already but since you do not even give me a chance to explain, I won't waste my time either. I'm tired, really tired. I've made a decision and I'm happy with it. I'm gonna move on and not dwell on this anymore. I will not blame anyone either. Since things are done, there seriously isn't a need for me to point fingers at others. I've explained,admitted the rest is up to you to belive. Anyway, a BIG thank you to those who belive me, understood me and have been there for me. THANKS A LOT. I really appreciate it. well, this ''incident'' taught me so many things I will never forget.ON a lighter note, weekends were awesome =D dance was great :) went for practice night, dance dance and more dance. DANCE made me feel better though it made my toes hurt. didnt go swimming on sun as i was really tired. did some revision with bro at home. went PP at night and bought more things :pAnyway, holidays have offcially started on mon,1st june but definitely not for us. No lessons on mon since the rest had Chinese Os. Hence, great opportunity to replenish my sleep :) slept till 11plus. had tuition in the noon and evening =) studied phy =) had lessons on tues and I was late for 20mins. it was rather embrassing as lessons had began. dance at night :) had phy test and maths mock exam in the morning today. not so bad. Best, thanks for being there for me all these while. Loves ♥
I am really glad that things are so much better now. Life will be never smooth however, do not give up no matter what obstacle you meet as there is definitely a solution or a way to remove the obstacle and move on. It's just a matter of time. I believe time will eventually heal everything. TO: ##### - I'm definitely gonna miss the times we had together. Almost 5 years of friendship just gone like that? I really dont know. You're one of the first few I knew when we were sec 1. We have been sitting near or beside each other since than. We had so so so much fun together. People always think we're sisters cause we always have the same things. Flipping thru the pictures we took since sec 1 showed how much we shared. No quarrels nor dispute between us before. We're always laughing thru lessons, eating sweets non-stop and of course talking talking and more talking. I'm missing all these already. We do not have much time already. A few more months and we'll graduate. We might or might not see each other anymore. Anyway, thanks so much for always listening to my nonsense and laughing together. We shared so much all these while; joy,dreams and many many more. I will not forget you neither will i forget those happy times we had. Thanks for being a part of my life. I'm glad we're still friend afterall. Though it feels a little different, but I can't be bothered. I'm contented to have you talk to me again.
TO: XXXX - I really really thought we could be friends again but after reading what you wrote, I have doubt for this friendship to go on. Many people kept telling me to give you time and I gave. However, since thats what you think, I really do not know what else I could do. I've enjoyed meals with you and I will never forget those times we had. Sitting at pizza hut for hours and hours talking about anything under the sun, going for oral sessions together, sharing so much happy moments together. No matter what our friendship might turn out to be, I still ought to thank you for bringing laughter and joy to me. They're already stored in a part of my heart. I will not forget you neither will I forget those great times we had. I hope we could still be friends. Doesn't it feels wired when we are talking to the same person at the same time but just not talking to each other. Isn't it troublesome to must have someone to sit in between us? Can't we just forgive and forget and be friends again? I know its not easy but aren't friends suppose to forgive firends? I am gonna take the first step again and the rest is up to you!
I am disappointed really disappointed.
To: ame,my,mk,yj,en,yk,Mr Ho & those who cared
THANKS SO SO SO SO MUCH for always being there for me and understanding me. Thanks for all the concern :D
To: My dearest bros,
Eugene: best bro, best dance partner, best singing partner, best shopping partner (as he'll pay certain things for me :p) best study partner gossip partner and listening ear. Thanks for always listening to me but pls keep those sarcastic remarks to yourself. Though we quarrel for the most minor thing in the world, we know we did that out of boredom or just wanting to find someone to vent anger on :D Anyway, Let's work hard together for 'Os' as well as dance =) Louis: best bro, best gossip partner, best talking parnter and listening ear. Thanks for making me feel better :D I'm glad I've you as a brother though you're really irritating sometimes. Well, quarrelling and fighting are part and parcel of our lifes so yup not surprising to quarrel with you a few times per day. anyway, study hard,dance hard and play hard PIG :)
* feel my story!
10:58 AM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Well, term 2's coming to an end very very soon. School this week is horrible. The class is in a great big mess. I have learnt my lesson not to be over-sensitive. I'm sorry I've made things complicated. I did my best to solve whatever i could already. Hopefully things will get better soon.
Anyway, friday was the best of the whole week. Student leader's Investiture this year was simple yet meaningful. All these years being a student councillor was great. It wasn't at all smooth sailing but I'm glad I've pulled through it. I'm gonna miss doing morning duties with my awesome juniors who never fail to make me laugh every morning. ): I'm gonna miss all those tiring duties. yea anyway, we had 2 hours of lesson after which.

Than it was Canossian Awards Ceremony in the afternoon. It was rather boring but still, we had great fun :D Ms Martens is such a fantastic principal. I will never forget those words you said to me. Took pictures after the event :) bus-ed back with Miss Kang :) Ride home with her is always so nice. We had a long conversation while waiting for the bus to arrive, while we were in the bus, while we were walking and even after we reach, we continued talking under her block. Anyway, Thanks for hearing me out Miss Kang :) met cousins for dinner at night =)

Our co-form, Ms tan with award winners & supporters :D

Mdm Chan,Mr Singh,Maria & Ms Masura
and not forgetting my superb principal, Ms Melanie Martens ;)
Since there's no dance in the noon today, met yj and went shopping around tampines mall and 1. saw mary in T1. wow its been super long since i last saw her. Yea Anyway, bought too many things today but what to do? The sales are too tempting. Lucky dad and mum went overseas if not they will start nagging again :p went for dance at night. it was fun and made me feel happy =) dinner with eugene and back home =D
well, all i could do now is to pray hard , hopefully things will turn better soon. As what cons said, time will solve everything. Gee.. I'm in a state of confusion now >.<
The Cambodia trip that I was looking forward too is officially cancelled. damn!!!
* feel my story! 9:52 AM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Graduation Photo Taking ♥
Had graduation photo taking on fri :D it was really thoughtful of the school to plan this. Everyone of us had fun =) how time flies.. its already the last 2 weeks of May and it means Os are getting nearer. All of us have been thru so much ever since we became a class in sec 3. the fun times we had, the little unhappiness with each other, working hard for Ns etc etc. Everyone single one of us grew up. We've become more mature in terms of our thinking. Anyway, besides working really really hard for Os for the next few months, I'm gonna learn to treasure my classmates too :) pics to share =)
my lovely class ♥
the small people in class :p

* feel my story!
10:14 PM
Friday, May 15, 2009
People!I think people are wired creatures. Well, No offence, just personal opinion.hmm.. A person may be an angle in front of you but a devil behind your back. People's thinking and behaviour are really strange. They often neglect the people that are always there for them until one day when something bad happen than they will realise who are the ones that've always been there for them. Someone may dislike you due to jealousy, or maybe when you offend that person or simply for no particular reason. One day your enemy may become your good friend or your good friend may become your enemy. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you gonna get next.Well, I think i've become a person with LITTLE feelings. I used to get really angry and upset when people say unpleasant things about me but not anymore now. I may get a little, just a tiny winny bit angry or upset but its just for a really short while and after which, its seems as if nothing had happen before. It just like you'll see sunshine after the rain :D I guess this is because I've gone thru pretty much of these and grown rather tired of all these. There's no point getting angry and upset for things that are untrue. Sometimes, its hard to please everyone isn't it? Well, just be your usual self since it's not really possible for everyone to know you and agree with the things you do. As long as you know you're doing the right thing, there isn't a need to be bothered about what others think or say about you :D It is NOT gonna be easy but we should try =) It will make us happier =D
we should smile like these ^.^

Hmm.. this is just a random post. I was just lying on bed and all these came across. :)
Anyway, all that I've mention earlier is not against anyone :D they're just my thoughts!!!
Note to self: DIET DIET DIET
* feel my story!
9:48 AM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Grandma ♥Its Grandma 5th death anniversary today. How time flies. I was only 12 when she passed away. I missed her soooooo much.
She stayed with me ever since I was born.
She took great care of me since I was brought home.
She brought me to childcare when I was 3. I dislike going there and cried non-stop. She was so worried that she actually waited for me outside the childcare.
She dolled me up.
She bought me lots of pretty clothes and toys.
She taught me manners.
She groomed me to be a good person.
She loves me a lot.
And for the past 12 years, she had never failed to be there for me.
Mama, I know you are doing well up there. I miss you lots. I've made a promise to you that I will be a good girl and do well for my exams. I am trying hard and I know you will give me all your blessings from up there. All in all, MAMA I LOVE YOU ♥
On a lighter note, I finally finish reading my book - My Sister's keeper. It's a good book :D I was so touched, I teared at the end. It's a very heartwarming story. Regardless what happen. Nothing can beat the love of your family. :D Just some random stuff I've learnt today. Sometimes life doesn't go your way or things doesn't go smooth but still, you have to overcome it. There's no point putting your blame on others as it will not change anything. What most important is face it and think of ways to overcome it. Thanks Mr Ho for making me feel better =)* feel my story!
4:54 AM
Monday, May 11, 2009
7th May
yay!! I had healthy food again =D but this time's for recess :) peas provided by me =) baby carrorts and cherry tomatoes by amelia and soya bean milk by belle :D we are gonna continue having them as much as we can ;)
Friday was a super fun day :D firstly, had a great time in school especially during chinese period which is my free period :D next, had filming for an educational video after school :) filming was awesome =) it had been some time since i last filmed ;) haha met some new friends and they are really fun and nice people =) had a whole load of fun with them. anyway, I was supposed to be the gang member and the scene is to slap this particular girl (victim). However, upon reaching the set, the producer examined me and decided that I'll be the victim instead. Hence upon being the victim, i was being slap a lot of time :p and they slap me for real. and each of them was suppose to take turns to slap me. we did not only do it once but a lot of time but well, it wasnt that bad had fun at least ^.^do ignore my hair its the 90s hairstyle
the gang members and the victim
Thirdly, stayed over at amelia's house again ;) bought kinderjoy and rented ''bedtime stories'' dvd to watch. had late dinner at macs :D went back, watched the movie but i was so tired so we watched only 1/4 of it and we went to bed. amelia's awesome hair done by me ;)
woke up at only 1plus on sat. bought some snacks back continued the movie :) mum came around 5pm and went cousin's house to celebrate Mother's Day :d had dinner, played games and we left around 11 plus. went to punggol marina ktv with cousins. however, that place was a little like pub. since we are sitting at the lobby cause its cheaper, hence after we sing 5-8 songs, they'll play those loud music for people to dance. hmm.. i dont really like it though. well, i guess i'm officially not a clubbing person ;D left that place ard 4am. brother and i stayed over at cousin's place. was 5 plus by the time we finish showering. so while waiting for our hair to dry, cousin jerlin and i talked till about 6am while the rest slept like pigs. woke up at 12.30pm, wash up, had lunch and off we go to tampines safra for our weekly sports day :D dinner with cousins at tampines mall after which, they came over my place =) and thats for the weekend =)NO SCHOOL TODAY =D had tuition in the late morning :) packed my accounts file and did some revision too =) anyway, Amelia's so sweet ^.^ she brought Frolick and sent it all the way to my house. Thanks a lot best. loves :* yea and thats pretty much my day!!* feel my story!
6:36 AM
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
HEALTHY DIET ♥Yay!!! I'm eating healthly :D Had PEAS, Cherry Tomatoes and Apple juice for dinner =) yummy!!! It filled my stomach and most importantly, its less fattening hee =) maybe I shall have that everyday?!

Anyway, the lift renovation at my blk caused the water supply of the whole blk to be cut off. seriously, NO WATER at all. yesterday was electricity and today's water. it seems as if we did not pay for our utility bills hence suppy being cut off. lucky it came back in around 45mins time if not i think i got to go to Safra to shower hehe :p
I'm gonna be super hygenic and eat healthily from today onwards ^.^
Firstly, being hygenic will means less bacteria thus, less prone to getting sick ;)
secondly, eating healthly will help me think better kekeke :D
* feel my story!
5:29 AM
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Long Hoildays =Dschool last week was a pretty short week due to labour day as well as the 3 days of CAMP CORRI . CAMP CORRI this year is slightly different from those we had the previous year as this year's was a study skills camp =D well, I must admit that the speaker Mr Dilip Mukerjea was a genius. He has motivated me to study hard and do well for Os. He read my future too :D though mindmap doesn't work for me, but well, there are still other things he taught that benefit me a lot =) despite being pretty exhausted after the camp, but I'm glad I attend it =)
Mindmap done by amelia,jocelyn,rachel Q and me :)
amelia and me trying to draw veg, fruits,chicken,duck & pig ;p 
Finally, a long break for me to rest and replenish my sleep :) had been under the weather recently lost my voice and eugene said i sounded like a guy. anyway, this long break was great =) stayed over at Amelia's place on thurs night. we were super exhausted hence, we went to bed pretty early. we slept soooo much. we slept till noon :p by the time we decide where to head for brunch + dinner, it was already 3pm. we settled at Gelare. food was great :D we shopped around till 9 plus. We bought kinder joy and Nacho Chips to bite along while watching the rented vcds. simple, but awesome night :D we woke up around 10am for macdonals breakfast =) dad came to pick me up in the noon to go for dance. as usual, dance was good =D
woke up pretty early on sunday as i got tuition =D I love tuition hee :p family sports day after which!!! swam 10 laps ;) grandma house for dinner =D
No school on mon as I got no chinese paper =D yipiee :D had 8 hours of sleep =) had tuition in the late morning. best came my house, we had subway, revised a little for english and in the mist of revising, notes were scattered all over my bed. best left pretty late as she fall asleep. continued with revising after she left =D

First and last mid year paper today. Hmm.. i think i screw it up :( compre was especially difficult. No use crying over spilled milk. guess i got to work even harder!!!! My whole entire block went into darkness a while ago. hehe it was pretty cool though :p everyone holding torchlights standing along the corridors. dad said is like a gathering for the whole blk. haha but the electricity came back shortly and everyone rejoice for it. so cute haha. pretty cool experience i must say ;)
Anyway, Due to Influenza A (H1N1), our school did a lot of precaution. temperature taking twice. somehow it feels like primary school during SARS period. well, before i end off, take care everyone =D
* feel my story!
9:53 AM
Monday, April 27, 2009
BACK!!!I'm back blogging :D was pretty busy for the past few weeks also, wasn't feeling well for the past few days hence the delay of blogging :P anyway, many things happened since the last time i blog =D27th March
1. Green day in sch =D its was great =) everyone in class were cooperative and we all came in green! had a fun time in school too : )
2. 3 hours long of oral practice with ms yeo and belle =) as usual, it was productive and had nice time chatting with them :)
3. stay over at best's house =D watched ''unborn'' together, went back to her house, talk talk and talk till 3 plus before we went to bed! it's really awesome chatting with her as we have so much in common =) AMELIA LOY I love ya too :D looking forward to the next stayover :)

1st April1. April's Fool Day =D class attempted to play a trick on teacher but ended up getting trick by teacher.2. Watched ''Confession of a shopaholic'' with ame and quek =) nice movie!4th April
1. Tuition in the morning, dance in the noon and at night.
2. went 扫墓 after dance =) met releatives and cousins at 10pm at chua chu kang cemetery. pray, play, laugh and had lots of fun ;) supper after which =D reached home only at 3am =) but it was a great time spent
5th AprilPula Ubin trip with cousins =) went cycling but weather wasnt on our side :( it rained when we started cycling and stopped when we stop cycling. but still, i had a wonderful time cycling in the rain =D but i was freezing cold. watched ''mall cop'' with cousins after which :D and finally back home =)9-12th Aprillong holiday due to Good Friday hence, mum planned a trip for the whole family (38 of us) to malaysia kelong ( a house in the middle of the sea) =D stayed over at grandma house on thurs night since we are all suppose to meet at her house at 6am on fri. anyway, it was a short and simple trip yet we had a really great time together :D though the place was rather boring, but the company was awesome :o) My dear cousins, uncles and aunties :D
15th AprilWatched '' handsome suit'' with cousins =) had dinner together too! though i was really exhausted and wasn't feeling too good that day but still, i had fun ^.^17th April1. International Friendship Day! We were all encourage to dress up in different coustumes of different countries :) my class chose Japan so 4 brave souls ( ame,quek,mel,chels) came in the traditional kimno while the rest of the class came in the previous year class t-shirt with a big red circle stuck in the middle of the shirt :D and that represented the flag of japan hehehe ;) 2. School Oral. hmm.. wasn't that bad afterall =D
18th April1. tuition in the morning, dance in the afternoon and at night =D went for practice night after 2 months plus =) its been really long since i went for practice night. danced a lot and it feels good =D19th AprilWent 扫墓. this time round is to pray to my beloved mama (grandma). she's the one that I love a lot :D I miss her so much. came home, rest, then went to shop around Tampines 1 =D bought 2 hairbands at DIVA :) yay heheh =P happen to meet someone, chat with her for a while =D awww.. she's so nice :D anyway, went home completed all my homeworks had tuition and there goes my weekend!
21st AprilNAFA 2.4km run at bedok reservoir =D best came my house after sch, rest and we are ready to run =) best ran so fast.. she came in 2nd!!! i came in 4th :) dinner at MACs with best after run. shop around till dinner digested before we went for frolick :D yummy yummy :) went for singing class and sent best home =)

22nd April
1. NAFA 5 items during P.E. was quite alright :)
2. went to the airport with constance,jaslin,jocelyn,joy,annlyn and charissa to study =) it was rather productive :)
24th Aprilwatched ''17 again'' with amelia best =D went to the library after which =D sat there till it closes then we went for dinner =) saw my cousins with her little puppy :) she's so cute =) she's the only dog i dare to carry :psophia, a sweetheart :D
25th Aprildance dance and more dance =) performance after which :) had dinner and went to cousin's house to ''make the photos'' for the kelong trip. i was suppose to help but ended up playing with her puppy =pmakiyo and me =) she's like a toy.
yeap thats about it. sorry i know its really boring but at least my blog dont look so dead now hee :pso before o end off, take care everyone, the weather is really horrible =.=pic i took when i was in the car :D

* feel my story!
7:25 AM